The Humble Servant

The humble servant will try to share God’s Word, His Wisdom and the Truth about our Lord & Savior Christ Jesus


In the beginning, there was a Creator “Yahweh”, we call Him God or our Father. He has a world all His own known as “Heaven”, our Father in Heaven. It is a peaceful world filled with love and He tries to pass this peace & love on to us in our temporary world through the help of His children known as “The Human Race” us. Sometimes we don’t hear Him because of all the noise in our world, that’s why we must find a quiet place where we can just sit and share ourselves with our Father in Heaven.

We talk to our Father by prayer and He talks to us in many different ways, we just have to listen, watch & pay attention. He loves the little moments we give to Him, just like our Father in our world also loves the little moments we give to him. If you can find just a few moments a day to share with your Fathers in both worlds, you will find satisfaction, peace & love fill your heart in a joyful way, that can not be explained by any words that we know.

With that said, I will do my best to share His word with all of you through my blogs and hopefully not mislead you. In Jesus Name, this is my promise to you, children of God. 

Check back to learn the newest word I would like to share with you from time to time!

May God Bless You And Keep You Safe & Kind Always!