Who are we? We are all miracles of God’s creations!
We Are The World
Some of us say we are Christian, but we don’t always act like it. Some of us act like it, but say we are not. Some of us say we are and we do act like it, this is all part of being human.
The sad part is when you say you are a Christian and don’t act like it, it confuses people about God and embarrasses our Father. When you say you’re not a Christian, but act like you are, you have good morals, but you may not really know God.
God gives us all the right to choose our own path, but before you choose, make sure you know the truth about each path.
There is no shame in believing in the One who created all of this. Loving Him, loving others, being kind and forgiving.

Take control of your emotions!
Release that pride that makes you angry, sad and bitter. Embrace the goodness that God put in all of our hearts. Lend a hand, Share a smile, just sit for a while and lend an ear.
Lose that jealousy that makes you mad at others. We are individuals with our own characters and attitudes, good and bad, we are all created equal. There is no reason to be jealous at them for your lack of effort and understanding. Just be kind and love one another!
A lot of Christians say they follow Jesus, but when someone does something they don’t like, they yell, curse, even fight. If we just be kind and smile, maybe they will apologize to you. At least you will feel better about yourself for trying, less stressed, less angry, and not like you’re gonna have a heart attack.
God loves us all, even though we all make mistakes. That person is someone’s friend, loved one that made a mistake. Wouldn’t you like it if someone forgave your loved one for making a mistake. Remember.
“Do unto others as you want done unto you!”

Always Be Kind!
Also, words are very powerful, be careful what you say. They can deeply hurt someone and make you feel bad. Actions can be more powerful than words at times, so always be kind.
God is always with us, but as long as your heart is not open, He can’t get in and you’ll continue to make mistakes. Open your heart and invite Him in, then He can help you, protect you and be your loving Father.
Please, love your Father and love others no matter what, you will be rewarded generously. Also, read your Bible, it’s a gift from our loving Father. It’s given to help us through this journey and teach us what is love.
- Hard to be kind, with so many bullies. Bullies need kindness, more than anything else.
- Hard to be forgiving, with so many liars. Liars need forgiveness, so they can learn to be honest.
- Hard to be trusting, with so many thieves. Thieves need to feel your trust, so they can change their lives.
The best things you can do for a bully, a liar, a thief or any other person being mean is to be nice to them and pray for them. They are lost and following the wrong God and need your help, they may not know this, but they do. You can change their life!
Don’t forget to share what you learn with someone else, it WILL change their life forever and yours too!
One more thing: God loves us all, but children haven’t been corrupted yet, they haven’t had their hearts hardened yet. God communicates with us in many ways and one way He reaches out to us is through the little ones, so I ask you to listen to these little ones, please. Check out the video below, it always makes me tear up and reminds me, we all need help! A message from God through the little ones just for YOU!