Is God Real:
-Unbelievers try hard to discredit God and His followers. -Believers try to defend God and pray for the unbelievers. -Confused souls don’t know who to believe.
We will try to explain it in our opinion, with the help of God’s guidance, believe it or not is totally your choice. You just have to feel it in your heart.
Who Is God:
We call God “He” (YHWH “Yahweh”) for the simple minds of us humans. God is not human, He is a supreme being, an almighty, a creator, and principal object of faith. He has power (The Power Of God) greater than any human, and is worshipped as a divine being. He created a son (Yeshua “Jesus”) to feel what us humans feel, what we go through, to understand and have mercy on us. He also came to pay for our sins and forgive us, so we can join Him in the after life.

4 Proofs That God Is Real:
Click Bible Reasons for more on this story!
1. Creation:
One only has to look inside and outside of themselves, at the complexities of the human body to the vastness of the universe, of things known and unknown, to ponder and wonder: “Could all of THIS be random? Is there not intelligence behind it?” Just as the computer I am typing on did not just come to be through happenstance but took many many minds, engineering and creativeness, and years of technological advances by the creativity of humans, to be the computer that I have today, so there is evidence of the existence of God by looking at the intelligent design of creation. From the beauty of its landscape to the intricacies of the human eye.
The Bible points to the fact that creation is evidence that there is a God:
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19:1 ESV
For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:19-20 ESV

2. Conscience:
The conscience of a person is evidence that there is a God of higher justice that exists. In Romans 2, Paul writes about how the Jews were given God’s Word and Law to teach them the difference between right and wrong and to be judged accordingly. However, The Gentiles did not have that law. But they did have a conscience, an unwritten law, for which also taught them the difference between right and wrong. It is a moral compass that everyone is born with. A pursuit of and for justice and when one goes against that conscience, they stand guilty and in shame for breaking that law.
Where did this conscience come from? What or who writes this moral code on our hearts to be able to discern from right and wrong? This is an evidence that points to the existence of Being that is above the human plane of existence – a Creator.
3. Rationality:
A rational person, employing their analytic mind, must grapple with the uniqueness of the Bible. No other religious text is like it. It claims to be the very Word of God, breathed out, or inspiring, over 40 different authors over a time period of 1500 years, and yet cohesive, unified and in agreement.
There is nothing else like it. Prophecy written 100s to 1000s of years before it has come true.
The archeological evidence that keeps being discovered continues to confirm the authenticity of the Scriptures. There is very, very little copy error when ancient copies are compared against one another with more modern copies (less than .5% errors which does not impact meaning). This is after comparing over 25,000 known copies. If you look at other ancient texts, such as Homer’s Iliad, you will see quite a bit of differentiation caused by copy errors when comparing the 1700 copies that are available. The oldest copy of Homer’s Illiad that has been found is 400 years after he wrote it. The earliest Gospel of John that has been discovered is less than 50 years after the original.
Applying rational thinking, one must consider this, and much more, of the overwhelming evidence of the historicity of the Bible, of what the Bible contains and talks about, and of the historicity of Jesus and His claims. You cannot ignore the facts. And if the Bible is historically accurate as leading experts agree that it is, then it must be taken seriously as evidence for God.

4. Human experience:
It would be one thing if one person, or even a few persons, claim that a God exists and is active in world affairs. But most statisticians estimate that over 2.3 billion people worldwide subscribe to the Judeo-Christian belief that a God does exist and is involved in a personal way in people’s lives.
The human experience of people’s testimonies of this God, of their willingness to change their lives because of this God, of their willingness to lay down their lives in martyrdom for this God, is overwhelming.
Ultimately, human experience could be one of the strongest evidences of the existence of God. As the lead singer of U2, Bono, once said, “The idea that the entire course of civilization for over half of the globe could have its fate changed and turned upside-down by a nutcase [referring to the title some have given Jesus who claimed to be the Son of God], for me, that’s farfetched.”
In other words, it is one thing to say that 100, or even a 1000 people, are delusional about the existence of God, but when you think about over 2.3 billion people claiming this belief, and billions more of other faiths and religions subscribing to a monotheistic God, that is something else entirely different.
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