What is cool?
There’s a right way to be cool and a wrong way to be cool;
The right cool is helping others. Being honest and loyal, being yourself. Being smart, but not obnoxious or rude. Smart is the right cool, because you do right.
The wrong cool is making fun of others, hurting others or yourself, being ignorant or rude, all just for laughs or pleasures at other peoples expense. Ignorant is the wrong cool, because you do stupid.
Always be cool. Be smart. Be yourself. Be what God created you to be.
Before you do cool, always ask yourself;
Will I regret this later in life?
Will anybody get hurt?
Am I being selfish?
Am I being stupid in someones eyes?
What would God Think?
Don’t be a know it all, but don’t be stupid neither. It’s ok to have an opinion, even to be wrong. Just be able to admit when you’re wrong and ask for help.
Cool is being yourself, being kind, being helpful, Being Smart!
Types of Intelligence (COOL):
Word Smart (linguistic intelligence)
Math Smart (numerical/reasoning/logic intelligence)
Physically Smart (kinesthetic intelligence)
Music Smart (musical intelligence)
People Smart (interpersonal intelligence)
Self Smart (intrapersonal intelligence)
Visually Smart (Spatial intelligence)
Advancements in technology: The rise of technology and the increasing importance of the digital economy have made technical and analytical skills more valuable, leading to a higher social status for those who possess these skills.
Changing cultural values: Society has increasingly come to value intelligence and education, leading to a shift in attitudes towards intelligence and those who are perceived to be smart.
Increased access to information: With the rise of the internet and other digital technologies, information is more readily available, making it easier for people to demonstrate their intelligence and knowledge.
The desire for success: In a highly competitive global economy, being smart and knowledgeable has become a key factor in achieving success, both professionally and personally.
Overall, being smart has become “cool” because it is now widely recognized as a key factor in achieving success and a valuable asset in an increasingly complex and technologically advanced world.
How To Be COOL!
Hey smoke this, drink that. Pick on that guy, do this, do that. do you want to be cool, do you want friends, listen to me.
All lies, true friends will never ask you to hurt yourself or someone else for their own amusement. Satan can get inside any of us and make us say or do anything he wants, but God gives us all freedom of choice.
Just say: “NO, go away satan, you’re not welcome here.”

Things that are addictive and NOT cool!
Smoking cigarettes will shorten your life, make you, your clothes and everything around you stink and also make you look stupid and weak.
Doing drugs and drinking alcohol in excess can also shorten your life and make you look and do stupid. They kill brain cells and other human organs within your body. They make you look older than you are and not in a good way.
Bullying someone can also shorten your life and make you look stupid, you never know when you might need their help or how you will effect their life.
Other lies from satan include gambling, sex, lying, stealing, cheating, among many others. Any of these can and will ruin your life, shorten your life and make you stupid.

I know it’s tough, your parents can’t understand, they’ve never been your age, never had the peer pressure you’re facing.
Believe it or not, they have been there. Most importantly, They Will Always Love You and Be There For You.

So you wanna be cool, eh!
Food and air are cool, you can’t live without them. Being nice to others is cool, you get what you give, do unto others as you wish done unto you. Intelligence is cool, it will help you succeed at all your dreams. SMART is the new cool.
Just be yourself and you’ll be cool and have many friends. You will be a true HERO.