Disasters Of The Bible
First, there was the sin of man & the great flood, then the tower of Babel and then the fire of Sodom & Gomorrah because of mans wicked ways.
4000 BC: The Creation:
{Gen. 1: through Gen. 5:}
In the beginning, God created Adam & Eve, the first man and woman. And with them, we were all created, one by one. God’s creation was done and it was good. The first book in the Bible, the book of Genesis. And God said, “Go and multiply.”
Side Note: The pyramids of Egypt were built from about 3000 BC to 2000 BC

2348 BC: The Great Flood:
{Gen. 6: through Gen. 10:}
The story of the Great Flood of Noah is a well-known biblical account found in the Book of Genesis. According to the story, God saw that humanity had become corrupt and evil and decided to destroy all living things on earth with a great flood. However, God chose Noah, a righteous man, to build an ark and preserve himself, his family, and two of every kind of animal from the flood.
Noah and his family worked tirelessly to build the massive ark, which was large enough to hold all the animals and enough food for them to survive the flood. When the ark was complete, God commanded Noah to enter the ark with his family and the animals, and then the flood began.
The rain poured down on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and the waters rose, covering the mountains and all the high hills. Every living thing on the earth was destroyed, except for those inside the ark. After the flood had receded, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat, and Noah released a dove to see if the waters had receded. When the dove returned with an olive leaf in its beak, Noah knew that the waters had receded, and it was safe to leave the ark.
WARNING: The story of Noah and the Great Flood is seen as a warning about the consequences of human sin and the importance of obedience to God’s will. It is also a story of hope and renewal, as the earth was restored after the flood, and God promised never to destroy the earth with a flood again.

2200 BC: The Tower Of Babel:
{Gen. 11:}
The Tower of Babel is a story from the Book of Genesis in the Bible that explains the origin of different languages and the dispersion of humanity throughout the world. According to the story, a group of people decided to build a tower that would reach up to the heavens in the land of Shinar. They believed that by building the tower, they could make a name for themselves and prevent themselves from being scattered across the earth.
However, God was displeased with their pride and arrogance and confused their language so that they could no longer understand each other. As a result, they were unable to continue building the tower, and they were scattered across the earth, each speaking a different language.
WARNING: The story of the Tower of Babel is often seen as a cautionary tale about the dangers of human pride and the consequences of defying God’s will. It also explains why different languages exist in the world and how the people of the earth came to be dispersed across the world.

1900 BC: Sodom & Gomorrah:
{Gen. 19:}
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a well-known biblical account found in the Book of Genesis. According to the story, these were two cities located in the region of Canaan that were known for their wickedness and sinfulness.
God decided to punish the people of Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness and sent two angels to the cities to investigate. The angels arrived in Sodom and were greeted by a man named Lot, who offered them hospitality and shelter for the night.
However, that night, the men of the city surrounded Lot’s house and demanded that he hand over the angels so that they could have sex with them. Lot refused and offered his own daughters to the men instead, but they persisted in their demand for the angels. The angels then revealed their true nature and struck the men of the city with blindness, allowing Lot and his family to escape.
As they fled, the angels warned Lot and his family not to look back at the destruction of the city. However, Lot’s wife disobeyed and looked back, turning into a pillar of salt. Sodom and Gomorrah were then destroyed by fire and brimstone from heaven, leaving behind only ruins.
WARNING: The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is often seen as a warning about the dangers of wickedness and disobedience to God’s will. It is also used as an example of the consequences of refusing to follow God’s laws and of the importance of hospitality and compassion towards strangers.